
«ՁՄԵՌ 2022» միջազգային և ազգային վարկանիշի հաշվարկով մրցաշար


Chess Academy of Armenia is organizing "WINTER 2022" International Rating Tournament from December 16 to 23, 2022.

In case of uninformed absence the participant will be quitted the tournament. 

The participant, who will be late more than 30 minutes from the start of the tournament, will lose the game. 

The registration of the participants should be done online till December 13, 18:00.

You can transfer the entry fee to our bank account (Don’t forget to mention the participant’s details–name, surname, telephone number, current category and tournament name).

Beneficiary: Chess Academy of Armenia Fund
Bank: Ameriabank CJSC
Account number: 1570018417800100
Tin: 02560522

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